Richmond Till I Die

Kevin Mahatirazikra
2 min readOct 6, 2023



I love the feel when watch this series, it just so good to watch it after long time work. The feeling just so relaxing. It is like someone hold you tight and suddenly your body just feel relax and your heart start to warm that lead you to a good sleep.

“It’s just a poopeh, let it flow” — Jamie Tarrt

This movie taught how to face a modern problem in current society, society where we don’t have any privacy anymore. Actually, it’s out fault too. We consciously share every inch of our life to another people openly in a free medium where people can give any judgment about what we did, whether it’s good or not. But most of the people are not ready about that.

The funny thing is we should now the consequences at the first place. Even, the spectator one is also can’t lose from the bad talks of another people. I think it’s just because people simply being ruder nowadays. That is why, Ted Lasso and all Richmond family just come with a good approach to face this condition.

“Be curious not a judgemental” — Ted Lasso

Another people judgment is just like a shit mate, let it just flow away. Yet, it’s totally natural to be sad or mad for any bad talks to us and it’s not that easy to just let it flow. Therefore, we need to practice it from a small baby steps. Just re-programming your self to be a goldfish who just have 10 min memory. It’s okay to be mad for 10 min and forget about it and say F it ( — Coach Kent). Turns out it helps a lot, at least for me.

It be will be so hard for the first time. But like a baby step, once you learn to walk you will end up running.

Thank you Richmod for such a heartwarming three years. Promise to still use you guys on FIFA.


Oct 2023

